I first found Lego Grad Student on Facebook just through a random post I clicked on. I’ve been hooked through the whole journey for years, now. I highly recommend you check it out. Even as a junior and now tenured-faculty, this person’s posts resonate with me in so many ways that are funny and really brighten up my day.
Lego Grad Student is everywhere:
Featured": https://www.insidehighered.com/news/2016/08/31/lego-inspired-social-media-character-reveals-gallows-humor-grad-school-life
Blog: https://legogradstudent.tumblr.com/
Twitter and Instagram: @legogradstudent
Website: https://brickademics.com/gallery
Facebook: www.facebook.com/legogradstudent/
Etsy Store: www.etsy.com/shop/legogradstudent