Resilience Project.

Focusing on what drives you forward.

Make it stand out.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Habituate to stress
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Habituate to stress

Habituation to stress manifests as a reduced response to the same stress. Respond, recovery, reflect, and calm your heart and mind to support habituation to stressors to enhance your resiliency in life.

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Use the sparks
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Use the sparks

Whether it is you, or someone else who supports you that ignites a spark to can be used to fuel something bigger, take the opportunity in that moment. Take the times to move forward as much as you can.

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Accept and move on
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Accept and move on

Practice accepting what is not in your control and making your own progress forward with positive, forward-moving, and supportive people. Leaving what can’t be changed is not only an important decision- and practice-based form of self-care, but also a way to improve your productivity and motivation.

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Some steps
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Some steps

One step, one by one, moving forward is not always possible. Just do little things. They will become big things.

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Empathy Trainability
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Empathy Trainability

Train your empathy and build your level of compassion to demonstrate true strength, foster individual resilience, and support the positive adaptability of a community.

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Daily Beautiful Mess
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Daily Beautiful Mess

Holiday, sickness, and unanticipated emergencies can be frustrating, especially when thye come on the one or few days when you feel like you are motivated and actually in a groove to get things done. Accept, take the good in the day, and save your energy for when the day is ready for you.

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Start with One
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Start with One

Being overcome by stress manifests sometimes as an inability to move forward because of the seemingly insurmountable mountain of tasks and burdens you are thinking about. Start with one thing this morning and make Friday great.

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Habit of Hope
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Habit of Hope

I am also working on a habit of hopefulness instead of worry, and acceptance. I accept, everything that comes and happens, and I accomplish. I practice hoping and staying positive so I keep moving forward.

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Elaine Lee Elaine Lee


You can start a day thinking you have gotten up from a challenge on the day prior, and be filled with hope when life, the universe, fate, gives you a gut-wrenching blow and again your whole world is turned upside down. I have felt grief and trauma in my life, but today, I feel a deep, deep sorrow for the loss of a wonderful mentee and student.

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Persevere for the next
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Persevere for the next

So my thought tonight for resilience in a tough time that seems to be ceaselessly beating on us day in and day out, is to know that we need to get up, persevere, and adapt to better for the next generation, for the people next to us who on their tough days, are doing the same for us.

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Feel lost?
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Feel lost?

I took a 10 minute drive before my first meeting this morning. I made my bed. Those are my smalls that help me be tough and just push through this weird morning phase. What helps you?

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Tough, but kind
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Tough, but kind

In all we do, let’s work hard, excel, expect great things of ourselves and others, but be kind, be understanding, and inclusive of everyone and their histories and experiences. Let’s give a hand to those who need it, and all excel together.

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Real self-care
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Real self-care

…self-care I find, is about everyday, finding ways to make real changes in 1) habits about how you think about yourself, 2) how you approach your priorities, and 3) how you build in a tolerance for “failure” and adaptation as success and relevant to this blog, successful resiliency.

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Daily Resilience
Elaine Lee Elaine Lee

Daily Resilience

A single event under a mental microscope can make 10 bad minutes look like an entire life of bad fortune, but please, zoom out. 600 seconds is only 0.694% of a single day of 86,400 seconds.

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All posts at reflect the authors’ own personal opinions and not that of the University of Connecticut or any representative institution.