Adapting to uncontrollables

There are uses to adversity, and they don't reveal themselves until tested. Whether it's serious illness, financial hardship, or the simple constraint of parents who speak limited English, difficulty can tap unexpected strengths. -Sonia Sotomayor

I offer just a short post this evening, and the above quote. This pandemic is terrible. The unimaginable injustices in the world we live in are horrible, and the frustration, rage, and sadness people are feeling for many reasons is heart-breaking. What I would offer is that we not focus on how this could all be happening or why is this all happening, or is this the end, but rather, on learning, and becoming better… evolving. We are down; let’s get up together, every time.

I’m stressed as you all are stressed, about everything, work and science included. Today was hands-down, the hardest day I have ever had with my kids, who are 99.99999% of the time incredible, sweet, easy, and amazing, but I think even my 3- and 1-year old are feeling the stress around them and acting out. The world appears to be crumbling around us. My tank is empty: emotionally, mentally, physically.

If you’re down, you can get up again, one more time, and we can just keep doing that, over and over, and over again. You have strength you don’t even know you have. Get a good night’s rest, and get up again. I’ll meet you with a cup of coffee in the morning, on the up-side.


Tough, but kind


Real self-care