Day 11: Aronia and skeletal muscle, in-depth article read
Watch for an in-depth note-taking and scientific dive into the article from Day 10 of 12 Days of Tohi.
Day 10: Aronia effects on rat skeletal muscle
Researchers investigated how aronia affects rat skeletal muscle responds to resistance training.
Day 8: Aronia in cancer patients undergoing therapy
Aronia has been studied in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation to determine how supplementation with the berries can counteract unintended cellular damage associated with treatments.
Day 7: Aronia effects on tumor cells
Not only the berries, but also the leaves of Aronia melanocarpa have been studied for their practical application in treating cancer. See the paper of the day and a brief discussion of one topic.
Day 6: Aronia and cancer prevention
Prevention: Aronia berries as part of a healthy diet, and aronia’s effects on counteracting toxin and environmental exposures that increase our susceptibility to cancers may help us long-term enhance our efforts to reduce risk for cancer.
Day 5: Aronia reduces DMSO toxicity
Aronia appears to reduce the toxicity of DMSO (dimethylsulfoxide) in our preliminary experiments in C. elegans. More promising evidence for including health-enhancing berries to the diet!
Day 2: Aronia contributions to prevention of viral infection
Can swishing with or drinking aronia juice prevent viral infection? Research in mouthwashes and many juices is quite promising.
Introducing 12 Days of Tohi
our new communications project to share what the EC Lee Laboratory is doing begins with our partnership with Tohi to better understand the health and performance benefits of aronia berry